Info Page for IST 129 - Fall 2001
Instructor: Dan Austin
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Important Course Info
HTML Resources (updated 11/19/01)
- HTML Tag Quick Reference Guide (updated 10/22/01) - A detailed overview of all basic HTML tags and their associated attributes.
- Review of Basic Tags - An overview of some of the simple tags discussed in the first few weeks of class.
- Notes for IST 129 (updated 11/16/01) - A consolidated, cleaned up, reformatted, and somewhat edited version of the CWRU tutorial in the link below. This document should be considered a "draft" and may have some confusing sections which will be edited as time permits. Expect this document to change and be reformatted and reorganized as the class progresses.
- HTML Tutorial - A great tutorial by CWRU.
- Frames Tutorial - A useful intro to frames.
- HTML Help Site - Lots of links, tools, info and more to help the aspiring HTML author.
- A Dictionary of HTML META Tags (added 11/19/01) - Everything you care to know (and some you don't) about META tags.
- W3C HTML 4.01 Spec (added 11/20/01) - The full specification for HTML.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Resources
- CSS Notes (added 11/13/01) - What are Cascading Style Sheets?
- CSS Glossary (added 11/16/01) - All the CSS functions and associated values in a handy table.
- W3C CSS1 Spec (added 11/20/01) - The full specification for CSS, level 1. Simple, easy to use.
- W3C CSS2 Spec (added 11/20/01) - The full specification for CSS, level 2. A bit harder to understand. Builds on CSS1.
- CSS Properties (added 11/20/01) - An exhaustive listing of CSS attributes
Source Code from Various Class Projects
To view the source code, click on the link, and then select "view" in your browser and then select "source" (Explorer) or "page source" (Netscape).
Software Resources
- TextPad - [DOWNLOAD] Text/HTML Editor
- Paint Shop Pro - [DOWNLOAD] Graphics/Image Design
- Windows Commander - [DOWNLOAD] File Manager
- WS_FTP (Learning Edition) - [DOWNLOAD] FTP Utility (for uploading files to the web server)
- HTMLib - [DOWNLOAD] A comprehensive off-line HTML Reference Utility (you must download it and install it on your PC).
- Netscape Communicator (includes Composer) - Netscape Composer is part of the Netscape Communicator 4.78 suite of applications, as is Netscape Navigator (NN). If you just download NN, you will not be able to use Composer. If you plan to follow the book, you will probably NOT want to be running Netscape 6 or 6.1. The books tracks along with Netscape Communicator 4.x.
- Winzip - [DOWNLOAD] Zip File creator/extractor. If you don't know what a zip file is, click here and/or here.
- PERL 'Form Mail' script - [DOWNLOAD] A PERL script that can be used to automatically e-mail the results of a form to an address.
- Image Mapping Tools
Useful Links (updated 11/16/01)
Other (Non-GCC) IST 129 Links (updated 11/16/01)