IST 129 - Fall 2001 - Student Critiques

20% of final grade - Due Dec. 1 (when class begins)

LATE PENALTY: Critiques not ready by the deadline, but turned in on 12/8 will be accepted, but your final score will be 1/2 of what you would have otherwise earned. Anyone who has not turned in their critiques by class time on 12/8 will recieve a 0.

As part of your final project, you will be reviewing and grading each other's initial design projects. For this assignment, I expect you to use the same criteria that I do for the evaluations.

Once the initial design projects are submitted on November 20, you may begin your reviews. You have a little less than 2 weeks to complete your evaluations.

Much like we did ealier in the course, you will be reviewing the site, commenting on the good and bad, and doing a short (1/2-1 page) writeup on each site. You will also assign a grade from 0-100 based on the requirements for the project. There are 17 students in the class, so each student will get 16 reviews for their site.

My determination of your initial design project grade will be based heavily on the input that I recieve from your classmates.

Your "Critiques" grade will be based on the quality of the reviews you submit for your fellow students. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Each of you will get a summary of the reviews from the rest of the class shortly after the due date (which gives you a week or so to make revisions to your final project before resubmission). Reckless giving of all A's or all F's will probably result in a poor score for your critiques. Please take the time to do these right and give your fellow students a fair and accurate evaluation of their site. Its your way of giving and getting feedback so that everyone's site can be improved.

Here is what I expect to be turned in. Please follow this very closely, or points will be subtracted from your score.

For each site that is reviewed (there are 16 total), you should include the following info (each on a seperate sheet of paper), neatly stapled, and in the order listed below:

Please stack all 16 of your review packages and bind them together with a binder clip or put a big rubber band around them to keep them all together.

If you follow the directions above and do a good, honest review of the site, you should score well on this project.

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