Assignment 5 - Set up your GCC Website - Due Oct. 13
(150 points)
Make sure your website is set up prior to classtime on 10/13. As we discussed in class on 10/6, I would like the following to be done on your GCC site:
- Create an index file and place this in your "public_html" directory. The file should be called index.html (all lowercase). This will be your main page on your website. Feel free to fancy it up and personalize it to your liking.
- Create a link on your page for each of the 2 website projects we have done so far (Shelley 1 and Cram A).
- Now the hard part...Upload both of these projects onto your website. I want to be able to go to your main page and click on a link for a project and go directly there. The full project should be up and running with no broken links or missing graphics. Feel free to manage your site in any way that works for you. I would suggest placving each project in its own directory to make things easier to manage, but this is up to you. In the future, this is how I will grade all of your assignments.
To view your page on the web, click here, then click your name. If your main page does not display, your page is still not set up correctly.
For info on FTP'ing to your GCC website, click here.
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